Your Money is in Safe Hands – Fundraising Update

Dec 22, 2017

FB-FUNDRAISINGDonations to our cause continue to come in and the level of support we are receiving from the community is incredible.  It demonstrates to us just how much people cherish Rimrose Valley – enough to part with their hard-earned money to help to protect it!  Why are donations important?  You will be aware from previous updates that we are looking at staging a number of activities in 2018 and these cost money.  ALL of the funds we are receiving will go towards making these happen.

As you may recall in June of this year, Rimrose Valley Friends won £5000 through Tesco’s Bags of Help scheme to spend on ‘adopting an entrance’ to Rimrose Valley.  The entrance at Field Lane was the clear favourite through questionnaires and an online poll, so now is the time to spend the money and to improve this for the community.  Every penny of this money is ring-fenced and will be used specifically for the entrance and not our campaign to save the valley.

This work had previously been put on hold after the announcement to build the road.  However, in pressing ahead with the project, we hope that this demonstrates that it’s very much business as usual for our charity.  We are planning on Rimrose Valley being around for a long time to come and we will ride the battle that lies ahead and fight for the best outcome we can get.

We welcome your ideas as to what would improve the entrance so please contact us, either through commenting on the relevant post on Facebook, or via any of the contact methods here.

What you can do now:

  1. Sign our petition
  2. Sign up as a Rimrose Valley Friend
  3. Donate to our campaign to stop the road