Westminster Optimism? We think so.

Feb 19, 2019

FB WEEKLY UPDATEAs you’re hopefully aware by now, the best way to receive updates on our campaign to Save Rimrose Valley is via our social media pages and our dedicated website: https://www.saverimrosevalley.org/

However, we’re aware that not everyone is a fan of social media, so will continue to flag important updates with you here.

This one falls into that category.

Please take a moment to read a detailed summary of our recent meeting at Westminster with Rachael Maskell MP from the Shadow Transport Team by clicking on the text below:

Westminster Update

We are hopeful that this leads to real action at a national, political level and will update you as soon as we know more.

In the meantime, here are some really simple things you can be doing to help support the campaign:

  1. Have YOUR say in our online poll.  We’ll use your responses to demonstrate the level of opposition to these plans.
  2. Help us to cover our costs by donating to the campaign.  Every penny makes a difference.
  3. Tell the Secretary of State for Transport what you think by contacting them.  They need to know all about Rimrose Valley and the communities around it before they sign off plans to destroy it.
  4. Sign our petition on change.org.  It only takes a minute and is a simple way of saying ‘no’!
  5. Follow us on social media… we’re on Facebook and Twitter.