We did it! Road through Rimrose Valley CANCELLED!

Nov 5, 2024

Last week, the proposed A5036 Port of Liverpool Access Road, which would have linked Switch Island to the port was finally cancelled, 7 long years after National Highways announced its preferred route, through our beloved Rimrose Valley Country Park.

This news has already been shared widely online, on local radio and in the press, but we realise that some of you who signed up to our charity’s website for news may have missed it.

You can read our press release in response to this news by clicking here.

As you can imagine, even though there was a chance this might happen in the autumn budget, it has still taken us by surprise and we can’t quite believe that Rimrose Valley has indeed been saved!

We’re taking stock, planning our next moves and working out where we go from here. We will be sharing more on this in the near future.

However, as well as pouring our energy into helping our charity and the park reach their full potential, we will continue to play a major part in helping our friends, family and neighbours here in South Sefton who live the with impact of the port’s operations on a daily basis, including all those who live along the A5036 corridor.

More information is to follow, along with details of how we will mark this news.

There are many people we need to thank and we will do that in due course. BUT, without YOUR incredible support, for so long, the campaign simply wouldn’t have been successful, so the biggest thank you is from us, to you.

For now, please bear with us while we process what’s happened. It will take a while to sink in!

Team Rimrose