Walks around Rimrose Valley

Dec 19, 2017

FB-WALKS RVFWe are pleased to announce that 2018 will see the introduction of a number of regular walks led by Sefton Council’s Park Rangers – the experts in the flora and fauna of Rimrose Valley.  We’ll share more details on these as soon as they have been finalised.

In the meantime, you may have noticed that members of our team have initiated several organised walks on Rimrose Valley.  Our next, scheduled walks are set to take place on Boxing Day and New Year’s Day and will be a great way for people to walk off the turkey… and clear the head!  Start times and locations will be confirmed soon.

In addition to this, a separate “Rimrose Ramblers” group has been created for people who want to go for informal walks on Rimrose Valley, with a bit of company.  Everyone is welcome and they aim to get out and about once a week.

For full details of the Boxing Day and New Year’s Day walks, keep your eye on our Events  page on this site, or look out for announcements on our Rimrose Valley Friends Facebook group.  Not a member?  Click here to join.

To join the “Rimrose Ramblers” Facebook group click here.

What you can do now:

  1. Sign our petition
  2. Sign up as a Rimrose Valley Friend
  3. Donate to our campaign to stop the road