URGENT: Sign our Petition to Give Rimrose Valley “Local Green Space” Special Protection

Nov 30, 2015

change.orgRimrose Valley Country Park
 has been of special importance to the local communities of Bootle, Litherland, Ford, Netherton, Thornton, Crosby and Waterloo for hundreds of years, and now our cherished green space is more important to us than ever before with the threat of increased traffic, air and noise pollution generated by the Peel Ports docks expansion.

We need to apply to Sefton Council for Rimrose Valley to be assigned Local Green Space designation which will be an extra layer of protection against development.

Time is of the essence, we need to get as many people signing our petition with urgency to bolster our case.

Please click here to sign our petition

Please share this with as many people as possible

Thanks for your support!