URGENT: LCR Survey – Another chance to stick up for Rimrose Valley!

Sep 7, 2021

The Liverpool City Region’s Net Zero Carbon 2040 Surveys

The Liverpool City Region (LCR) are consulting again to find out what citizens of the region view as the priorities in our efforts to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2040.  They lay out a vision for the future in a number of key areas and ask for our thoughts on these.

There are 2 surveys; one general and another specifically aimed at young people (aged 25 or younger) and they differ slightly, as we explain below.

Both surveys close on Wednesday 15th September.

They are using the Commonplace tool which, for the general survey, requires you to provide an email address which you will be asked to verify for your feedback and comments display publicly.

The surveys are easy to respond to, so please, PLEASE make sure you do this – it all helps our cause.

We have provided some guidance and pointers below, but please make your responses are personal to YOU, as that’s what’s important.

Why is this relevant?

There are various opportunities throughout the survey to have your say and to link this to the protection of Rimrose Valley and the threat presented by National Highways’ Port of Liverpool Access Scheme.

We would love you to respond to all of the categories in the survey but we know that many people are pushed for time, so we have picked out the more relevant sections below.

General Survey – Click here

  • “In our Neighbourhoods”
    • This talks about the changes we need to make to protect our green space, biodiversity/wildlife and their importance not only to our health and wellbeing but also capturing CO2 and improving air quality
    • You have the opportunity to flag concerns about what barriers exist to us achieving the changes presented
    • Use these sections to highlight the threat to Rimrose Valley here in Sefton and its impact on green space, biodiversity and air quality
    • You have the opportunity to suggest steps that could be taken to overcome these barriers
    • Use these sections to ask the LCR and Metro Mayor to intervene and challenge the proposed road through Rimrose Valley
  • “Transport & Travel”
    • This talks about what the future of our transport systems and travel behaviour could look like; including changes to public transport and active travel provision (walking and cycling)
    • You have the opportunity to flag concerns about what barriers exist to us achieving the changes presented
    • Use these sections to highlight the threat to Rimrose Valley here in Sefton and explain how the road proposal would destroy dozens of cycling and walking routes that exist today, stimulating greater car use, not less. This would make combatting climate change even harder. Efforts to improve public transport would also be undermined if we keep building new roads. People will be less inclined to transition to catching the bus or train.
    • You have the opportunity to suggest steps that could be taken to overcome these barriers
    • Use these sections to ask the LCR and Metro Mayor to intervene and challenge the proposed road through Rimrose Valley
  • Tell us what’s currently going on
    • Here, you get the chance to place a pin on a map and talk about what activities are taking place in your area to help preserve green space, combat climate change, improve air quality and so on
    • We would LOVE it if you could use this opportunity to put a pin on Rimrose Valley, talk about our campaign and urge the LCR and Metro Mayor to support it

Youth Survey – Click here

Unlike the general survey, there is only one section to complete, but it covers all of the same topics as the first survey.

Once again, there are sections throughout the survey for people to flag their concerns and what can be done about them.

As before, we would like participants to link the various categories to Rimrose Valley, talk about why it’s important and ask the LCR and our Metro Mayor to support the campaign to protect it.

We have tested this and it appears that no email validation is needed, so again, it is much simpler.

Please note that for the younger age brackets, participants need to have the permission of a responsible adult (teacher, parent, ‘other’) in order to take part.

We would love it if you could find time to complete the survey with your children or grandchildren, so they can tell the LCR how much they care about Rimrose Valley and how important it is to preserve these spaces in the face of the climate emergency.

Thank you.