URGENT: Last chance to say how YOU use Rimrose Valley

Dec 19, 2019

Last chance to say how YOU use Rimrose Valley!!!

Highways England has announced that it is closing its online feedback website about how people use Rimrose Valley on 31st December, 2019.

We know it’s a busy time of year, but it is vitally important that we all do this, if you haven’t done so already.

We’ve prepared some simple instructions for you to follow.  Please click here to read these and follow the link to complete the survey.

Don’t forget, you can place as many pins on the map as you like, to show how and where you use Rimrose.  Also, don’t be lulled into suggesting improvements.  Highways England will use this information to help its design and claim that they would deliver these as part of any new road.

The main comment you need to make is that you reject the road outright… and talk about why you love it!

Thank you.