Everyone who has followed our campaign will know that, ever since the road was announced in 2017, both constituency MPs have been vocal in their opposition to these plans.

Numerous questions in parliament, a Westminster Hall debate and regularly addressing the public at our rallies and demonstrations – each has made their position clear.

Right now, we need to ask for their support again to ensure that this issue is on the new government’s radar and that every effort is being made to cancel the road proposal.

We are working with partners and campaigners across England who oppose equally destructive road projects to make it clear that these schemes, which would cost vast amounts of public money, are simply not justifiable in the current economic climate.

You can play your part if you are a constituent of either Bootle or Sefton Central.

Please write to (email) your MP by following these simple instructions:

  1. Address your email to either Peter Dowd peter.dowd.mp@parliament.uk OR Bill Esterson bill.esterson.mp@parliament.uk
  2. Begin your email with your full name & full home address (not just your post code)
  3. Copy & paste the template below
  4. Change or add to it to include anything else you may wish to say about Rimrose Valley, living conditions in South Sefton, and the use of public money on such a destructive project
  5. Add your name at the end
  6. Click send!
  7. Encourage others to do the same

Dear Peter Dowd / Bill Esterson (delete as appropriate)

I am writing to you as a constituent to ask for your urgent support in finally seeing off the A5036 Port of Liverpool Access Road, once and for all.

I would like to thank you for holding the previous Conservative government to account via questions in parliament, a Westminster Hall debate, and through your presence and speeches at numerous demonstrations and rallies over the years.

With the current government review of transport infrastructure projects, and with public finances in a dire state, there is a real opportunity to get the scheme cancelled. However, time is short.

Therefore, please use your influence and connections with fellow MPs in the party to:

  • Call for the road to be cancelled as part of the current transport infrastructure review (publicly and in the House of Commons)
  • Call for access to the Port of Liverpool to be revisited in its entirety
  • Invite key decision makers to visit Rimrose Valley and the surrounding area (such as during this year’s Party Conference)

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely

