UPDATE: Donate £10 to Rimrose Valley Friends and it’ll get doubled to £20 for us!

Oct 20, 2017

RVF Grow Tenner
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This is amazing! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Since we asked on Monday 16th October for people to donate any amount up to £10 towards protecting Rimrose Valley, with each donation being doubled by Local Giving:

  • We’ve had £878 as one off donations from 43 people (including gift aid and the funds being doubled by Local Giving)
  • We’ll get £90 as monthly standing order donations from 4 people (including gift aid and 6 months of funds being doubled by Local Giving). This will bring in £540 over the next 6 months

However as of Friday morning, 20th Oct, there is still £25k up for grabs nationwide.

If you haven’t already, if you can will you please consider making a donation ?

  • If you are able to donate £10, your donation will become £20
  • If you’re able to donate £5, your donation will become £10
  • If you’re able to donate £1, your donation will become £2

… and if you qualify to select ‘gift aid’ then we’ll get another 25% on top of your donated amount.
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Everyone involved in Rimrose Valley Friends is a volunteer who gives their time freely. No-one gets paid, and every penny we’re given will be spent on Rimrose Valley.  With our campaign to fight the road threat well underway, we’re going to need money for everything from leaflets, posters, graphic and web design and stationary, to reimbursing volunteers for the cost of phone calls and travel – we envisage having to travel to meetings in other parts of the country in the near future. We also need to know we have money to hand as the campaign progresses, for things like organised public activities and events, and even possibly advertising as a way to reach more people.

If there is any money left after our campaign then all remaining funds will of course go into Rimrose Valley, to help make it even more beautiful and amazing than it already is – no matter what.
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We hope you can help us, and THANK YOU again!
Rimrose Valley Friends