United we stand: RVF says ‘No’, Sefton Council says ‘No’, Local MPs say ‘No’!

Jan 20, 2018

FB-REPRESENTATIVE UPDATEFollowing Sefton Council’s declaration to join us in publicly opposing the road to be ploughed through Rimrose Valley, a subgroup from the RVF campaign team again met with our local councillors and MPs last month.  The Campaign to Protect Rural England also joined us to show their continued support and to offer their knowledge and experience.

The meeting reaffirmed that everyone present is aligned in battle, vowing to do all we can to stand firm against this horrendous decision; this threat to our clean air and green space.

Our MPs Peter Dowd and Bill Esterson both reaffirmed their active support and each detailed more about what they intend to do to help bring about the required change.

A key development is a commitment to holding public hustings (a panel-based question and answer session), as we are acutely aware that this is what many within our community are demanding.  We will share further details on this as soon as plans begin to take shape.

We took minutes of the meeting which you can read by clicking below:

Minutes SC meeting 16-12-2017

Thank you for your continued support.