The Fight Continues

May 4, 2020

Right now, Rimrose Valley Country Park is arguably more important than ever.

Access to wide open, green space is vital to enable us to exercise or simply to get some headspace for an hour a day and at the same time allowing social distancing to be observed.

We’ve seen so many new people using the park lately and discovering all it has to offer.

It has become essential.

Now imagine if it were bulldozed and replaced with a motorway to the Port of Liverpool.

Our campaign has come a long way, but we need YOUR help to keep it going.

If and when restrictions are lifted, we anticipate that Highways England will be ready to hold the statutory consultation on its motorway through Rimrose Valley.

When that time comes, WE need to be ready to turn out in force and deliver one, simple message: we don’t want this road.

Our public engagement activities have (rightly) been stopped for the time being.  This has meant that we’ve not been able to get out in the community and host the events we had planned.

However, we cannot let this stop the momentum we have gained this past few years… and we cannot forget how wrong the Government’s decision to bulldoze our parkland is.  We need you to stay engaged and – frankly – to remain angry with those who are taking these decisions without any, genuine consultation with the public and its views.

Whether the Government and Highways England will learn any lessons from the ongoing crisis regarding the decrease in pollution and how treasured our green spaces have become remains to be seen.

The best way you can play your part in this is to keep up-to-date on our work.

For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by searching “Save Rimrose”… and visit our website at

And don’t forget, this road is NOT a done deal.

Thank you.