The Campaign for Better Transport

Nov 23, 2017

FB-CBT UPDATECampaign for Better Transport, the national organisation with years of experience opposing new road developments, has spent time with the Road Action Group and shared learnings and past successes, whilst reviewing and guiding us on our strategic approach.

The key advice given was to make sure we avoid getting ourselves caught up in technical, planning, and legal details. There are other groups and organisations that will focus on the detail – we need to play to our strengths and resources and focus on the community and political campaigns.

Campaign for Better Transport explained to us that regardless of any faults that may be found with the Highways England consultation process, that can only delay the process. Ultimately only a political decision at Westminster can halt the road.

Therefore, the advice we’ve been given is to:

  • Raise awareness by putting on activities and events in Rimrose Valley.  This will help reach more people and build a positive campaign that keeps the threat to Rimrose Valley at the forefront of people’s minds
  • Involve the media – get as much press, radio and TV coverage as we can. Build stories and actions that the media will be interested in and push the stories out to generate local, regional and national interest
  • Keep focussed on the politicians locally, regionally and nationally. We need to build a momentum that will start to impact in Westminster where the decision makers are based.

What you can do now:

  1. Sign our petition
  2. Sign up as a Rimrose Valley Friend
  3. Donate to our campaign to stop the road