RVF and local schools join forces to tackle air pollution

Apr 18, 2024


We’ve teamed up with schools in South Sefton to create a film highlighting the impact of air pollution in our part of the borough.

‘BBA News’ (Breathe Better Air) sees pupils from Chesterfield High School, Forefield Juniors, Great Crosby Catholic Primary School and Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School despatched as ‘roving reporters’ to locations across the area.

They highlight the state of air quality in South Sefton, which is among some the worst in the UK, and explain that much of the pollution experienced is attributable to our busiest roads. There are huge discrepancies in life expectancy between Sefton’s poorest, most polluted Council Wards in the south, to more affluent and rural Wards further afield.

Each reporter urges people in South Sefton to improve the quality of the air they breathe by reconsidering the way they travel; encouraging them to ditch the car wherever possible in favour of public transport and active travel (walking, cycling and scooting).

The project has been funded by Community Foundation for Merseyside’s Breathe Better Air Fund.

We’re delighted with how this project has turned out and are massively thankful to all the schools and pupils involved. Right from the off, it was clear how well they understood the issues and how keen they were to get involved.

We spend a lot of our time highlighting how much HGVs, the Port of Liverpool and heavy industry contribute to the air pollution we experience, but it’s true to say that by leaving the car at home, we can all do our bit to make our roads quieter, safer and South Sefton healthier.

We hope everyone enjoys the film and that it strikes a chord, particularly with parents, as air pollution affects our children the most. All credit goes to these amazing pupils for being so professional and conveying this serious message. We reckon there are a few budding reporters in the making.