Parklife Release and ANOTHER consultation!

Nov 10, 2023

It’s been a very busy couple of weeks so we wanted to share two BIG pieces of news with you.

Save Rimrose Valley does “Parklife”

On Thursday 9th November, the campaign team released their take on Blur’s 1994 track, Parklife!

The cover version features rewritten lyrics, performances by local school children and an accompanying video filmed on the park, including footage of demonstrations held since the campaign began in 2017.

We reckon you’ll LOVE it!

Just click on the video below.


Once you’re done, please share it with family and friends via social media, email, EVERY WAY YOU CAN THINK OF!

An important consultation on nature

Another day, another consultation!

This one’s due to close next Wednesday 15th November, so it would be great if you could spend a few minutes of your time drawing attention to how important Rimrose Valley Country Park is for nature and biodiversity in the City Region.

Full details, including some guidance notes and the consultation link can be found in the following article from our campaign website:

Or, to head straight to the consultation, just click here:

As ever, thanks so much for your support – we couldn’t do it without you!