Latest News


Fox on Rimrose Valley needs urgent medical attention

A fox has been spotted on Rimrose Valley in need of urgent medical treatment, suspected to have mange (click here for information on what that is). It was last seen at the back of houses along Trawden Way, however as it’s roaming freely it could be found anywhere...

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Petition and Survey volunteers needed!

With nearly 4000 signatures on our online petition to get Sefton Council to designate Rimrose Valley as an essential Local Green Space for its future protection; and with well over 100 online surveys also completed online to further help with our evidence for our...

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Support Cooksons Bridge Pub – our pub on Rimrose Valley

Please sign here to show your support for Cooksons Bridge Pub (Cookies), and please read on for more information as to why this is relevant to Rimrose Valley and why we feel it’s important that you support it. Cookies is the pub of Rimrose Valley. Up at the Gorsey...

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Rimrose Valley Video Library Launches Today!

We're delighted to announce that today we launch the Rimrose Valley Videos page on our website. Access it by clicking on the Galleries option in the menu, then selecting Videos. The first video up is our recent Canal History Walk, led by Rimrose Valley Friends...

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Wildlife Volunteers Needed!

Casual Observations or hands on volunteering roles to be filled We're looking for wildlife volunteers according to experience. Please can you read about what we're looking for below and see if you can help us? Casual Observations As a user of Rimrose Valley, you are...

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Rimrose Valley Weather
