Our campaign website… and how your help is needed to keep up the fight!

Nov 6, 2018

FB-FUNDRAISING eventWe know it has been quite some time since we shared any news on this website, the online home of Rimrose Valley Friends.

Does this mean we’ve been quiet?  Absolutely not!

The Campaign to Save Rimrose Valley has ramped up several gears in recent months and for those of you who may be unaware, it has its very own home: www.saverimrosevalley.org

Here, you will find information on the team, ways you can get involved and all of the latest Campaign News.  Email subscription to our stories will come in the future.  For the time being, we urge all of you to take a look at what’s happening and to share your feedback using the contact form on the website.

Our website also contains links to our social media platforms, which is the best place to receive all of the most recent news and comments and to share your thoughts on them.  Put off at the thought of using social media?  Don’t be!  If there’s ever ONE, good reason to sign up to Facebook and Twitter, this has to be it?!  You can ‘tune out’ of the cat-in-a-sink pictures and photos of someone’s tea, but please, PLEASE don’t miss this simple opportunity to get behind our campaign.  Here are the links for your convenience:

Like our Campaign Page on Facebook

Follow our Campaign on Twitter

As for the campaign itself, it continues to build momentum and we are encouraged by developments in recent months.  Our Hands Across the Valley event drew huge crowds and attracted a lot of media attention, as did our protest at the Judicial Review hearing in Manchester High Court a couple of weeks ago.

However, all of our efforts come at a significant cost and we need a constant stream of income to remain agile, alert and effective.

As with any Charity, we are heavily reliant on the public donating its hard earned cash.  Every month, we need at least £2000 just to keep our campaign going and to get our message heard wider and wider.

So, it would be fantastic if you can please help us by donating whatever you can afford.

If you are unable to help the campaign with your time, making a donation is just about the next best thing you can do.

We promise that every penny will be spent wisely.

If you can afford to make a monthly donation, that will be amazing!  The promise of a regular amount means we can really plan and make commitments to costs where it matters most.

Our Rimrose Valley.  Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

We are doing our best to stop this madness.  Can you help us?

If you can, please click on the link below to be taken to our ‘Local Giving’ page to make your donation.

Thank you for your support:

Donate to our campaign to stop the road