IMPORTANT UPDATE: Guidance on how to respond at H.E. information events

Oct 17, 2019

Following on from our update last week about Highways England’s public information sessions, we wanted to share some important information with you.

As a reminder, these events will be held on:

  • Tuesday 22 October 2019 between 2pm and 8pm
    at the SING Plus Centre, 53 Cambridge Road,
    Seaforth, Liverpool, L21 1EZ; and
  • Thursday 24 October 2019 between 2pm and 8pm
    at The Park Hotel, Dunnings Bridge Road, Liverpool
    L30 6YN

Our approach to these sessions is based on guidance we have taken from those experienced in challenging road building projects, similar to our own.

We are urging all of our supporters to follow this guidance, as we believe it represents the most effective way to push back on these plans.

We have written an article which summarises:
1. What we can expect
2. How we need to respond
3. Why we are taking this approach
4. Reassurance that our protests will be family-friendly, respectful and legal

To read this article, please click here.

Unfortunately, Highways England has made it extremely difficult for the public to attend, with so little notice and their timings in the middle of a working week.  However, we encourage everyone to attend if at all possible – we hope to see you at these important events.

In the meantime, here are some really simple things you can be doing to help support the campaign:

  1. Have YOUR say in our online poll.  We’ll use your responses to demonstrate the level of opposition to these plans.
  2. Help us to cover our costs by donating to the campaign.  Every penny makes a difference.
  3. Tell the Secretary of State for Transport what you think by contacting them.  They need to know all about Rimrose Valley and the communities around it before they sign off plans to destroy it.
  4. Sign our petition on  It only takes a minute and is a simple way of saying ‘no’!
  5. Follow us on social media… we’re on Facebook and Twitter.