Grow your own wildflower meadow with seeds from Rimrose Valley!

Feb 26, 2021

We’ve harvested and dried the flowers from last summer’s meadow over winter and have been busy bagging up the seeds and we’re delighted to report that Rimrose Valley wildflower seeds are now available to purchase!

2 pack sizes are available, depending on the size of your garden.

  • 25g pack costs £5 and covers approx. 5 square metres.
  • 75g pack costs £10 and covers approx. 15 square metres.
  • Bulk purchase is also available.

The seeds should be sown between March and May, so make sure you don’t miss an opportunity to brighten up your garden with some Rimrose sunshine!

These are currently available to purchase from:

  • Tony Almond’s on South Road, Waterloo,
  • Barnett’s Wholefoods, St John’s Road, Waterloo
  • The Cookie Crumb, Cooksons Bridge Pub, Gorsey Lane
  • Alexander’s Chemist, Stuart Road, Waterloo

These outlets are currently open as they fall under the government’s classification of essential retail.

We hope to add more locations to cover a wider area as restrictions ease over the coming months.

Alternatively, if you’re struggling to get out, you can place an order for delivery by emailing:

Linda will provide payment and (Covid-safe) delivery information.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing pictures of your very own wildflower meadow!