Grass Cutting Concerns

Jul 27, 2015

Grass Cutting Concerns between Derwent Road and Brook Vale.

We’ve been approached by several people expressing concern over the length of the grass between Derwent Road and Brook Vale in Rimrose Valley, wondering if and when it will be cut.

We met with the Council’s Parks and Green Spaces and Coast and Countryside teams yesterday and today to try to find out what’s happening. We’ve discovered that a decision was recently taken to cease or severely restrict cutting the grass in these areas due to lack of funds. It seems the decision was taken based on ecological reasons alone and without really considering the impact on the users of Rimrose Valley.

Having spoken with the relevant people we’re happy that they’re open to discussing this and reviewing the grass cutting plan, however things are very much up in the air at the moment with a new round of cutbacks, and council staff are not yet sure who in their teams will still be here over the next couple of weeks with more redundancies on the horizon. We’ve agreed to give them a couple of weeks to sort their teams out before we discuss the changes to the grass cutting schedule required.

Until then, if you have concerns over the increasing length of the grass please click here and state the reason for your concern, as all feedback will help us to get the right result.

Thank you