Friends of the Earth’s Objection to Highways England Consultation

Feb 27, 2018

FOE STATEMENT 1Whilst the Judicial Review into Highways England’s decision to rule out a tunnel option during their consultation process is underway, we wanted to reflect on this and to share this document with you.

It is Friends of the Earth’s objection to the options presented in their consultation process, sent to Highways England on 27th February, 2017… a year ago today.

From the Introduction through to the Conclusion, it is a damning assessment on every level.  Air Quality; Pollution; Transport; Public Health; Noise; Nature Conservation; Water Environment; Traffic Forecasts; Value for Money.

You can read their views in full by clicking on the link below:

Important points were made and important questions were asked, but Friends of the Earth simply received a generic acknowledgement, two months later.

We are living in the 21st century.

We know the impact air quality has on public health.

We know the damage that is done to the environment and the destruction of wildlife and natural habitats that occurs when new roads are built.

We know that more HGVs and vehicles on our roads result in more pollution.

Why isn’t any consideration given to these factors when deciding whether or not to build yet another road?

We believe this isn’t good enough.

We believe that future generations will look back on the mistakes we are making today and see them as completely avoidable.

We want things to change, but they need to change quickly – beginning with stopping the proposed road through Rimrose Valley.

We have a fight on our hands to bring about this change and ask that you support us in our goal of changing the minds of those in charge at Westminster and in saying enough is enough.

Please continue to follow our campaign to find out practical ways in which you can have your say and hopefully make a difference.

Thank you.