Fox on Rimrose Valley needs urgent medical attention

Feb 1, 2016

A fox has been spotted on Rimrose Valley in need of urgent medical treatment, suspected to have mange (click here for information on what that is).

It was last seen at the back of houses along Trawden Way, however as it’s roaming freely it could be found anywhere along the northern perimeter of Rimrose Valley.

A local fox welfare organisation has raised this with us and they have asked for our help. Foxes often venture into private gardens at night, so if you live along the northern perimeter of Rimrose Valley and would be willing to have a humane fox trap set up in your garden please can you let us know at or leave a voicemail message on 0151 558 1105, and we’ll pass your details on to the fox welfare people to make contact with you?

All you’d have to do is agree to having a humane fox trap positioned in your garden, and then to check it regularly and report back if a fox gets caught so the experts can help.

If on the other hand you would like advice on how to keep foxes out of your garden humanely please also let us know and they’ll get in touch to tell you how.

A humane fox trap causes the fox no harm whatsoever, and is a perfectly safe and kind way to catch the fox so that it can be given the help it so desperately needs.

Thank you for your support