Community Seeding – Join on us this Tuesday at 7pm on Chaffers Field

May 25, 2019

Rimrose Valley Friends would like to invite you to join in a ‘community sowing’ of seeds to help create the wildflower meadow as part of the “Bees, Blooms & Butterflies” project.


on Tuesday, 28th May, 2019 at 7pm for a Community Seeding
Buckets of seed will be provided, so just bring yourselves and don’t wear your best clothes!
An incredible £4,607 was raised in just a few weeks
Over £1,800 of this was pledged by YOU!
The remainder came from two grants awarded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation (£2,000) and Idverde UK (£750).
Since the project closed, it has been a mad dash to get the necessary people involved in order to make this happen.
We have received notification that the seeds have arrived and the majority of the sowing is now underway.
We hope you can join us.