Attend a Highways England information event this week and make your views about a dual carriageway through Rimrose Valley known!

Mar 7, 2016

As previously reported, Highways England is running a series of information events to present the public with two road options to carry an ever increasing flow of heavy goods traffic between the motorway network and the docks.  As things stand, one of the two options will definitely be going ahead; and if the option to build a road through Rimrose Valley is chosen, it will be a dual carriageway.


The events finish this week and we strongly urge people to attend, and for their children to also attend.

Your attendance at these events will give you a chance to make your views known at this stage, which in turn will help the people at Highways England to see what sort of support or resistance they’ll get for their decision, and please involve your children by bringing them along and getting them to ask questions and partake, because the decisions that will be made this year will directly affect their lives and their childrens’ lives.

Thursday 10th March, 2pm to 8pm
All Saints and St Frideswyde’s Church Hall, 93 Forefield Lane, L23 9TX.

Friday 11th March, 10am to 5pm
Crosby Library, Crosby Road North, Liverpool, L22 0LQ.
The exhibition panels will be left on display at Crosby Library until the 11th April.

The full public consultation process will take place later in the year once their decision on the preferred route has been made.

If you need help getting to either of the events please get in touch with us at where we will be able to assist.

Thanks for your continued support