2021 Rimrose Valley Calendar… and the latest news on our campaign!

Oct 12, 2020

Despite 2020 having been such a challenging year for the charity and for all of us as individuals, we’re delighted to be able to produce calendars for the second year running. Let’s hope 2021 proves to be a better year all round.

The 2021 calendar again features some of the best of your photographs of Rimrose Valley in all its glory.  For the cover, we wanted to capture just some of the people that make Rimrose what is: countryside in our community.  There’s a sneak preview here.

Our calendars were incredibly popular last year, so make sure you don’t miss out on yours by pre-ordering from us now.  For information on how to do this, including safe and cashless ways of paying, click here, or email: andy@rimrosevalleyfriends.org

In terms of our fight to Save Rimrose Valley, here are some of the latest developments:

  1. Highways England confirmed that the project has experienced significant delay as a result of Covid-19. For a short video with our take on this, click here or you can read more
  2. A Friends of the Earth study has revealed that communities in south Sefton are some of the most green space deprived in England.  All the more reason for keeping Rimrose then. For more information on this, head here.
  3. Our latest Freedom of Information requests reveal how organisations with a vested interest in the Port of Liverpool’s success are hoping to influence the project, for their benefit.  All roads lead to Peel, it seems. For analysis, click here
  4. More documentation we have obtained highlighted that a road through Rimrose Valley could be just the beginning, with the Road Haulage Association and the Freight Transport Association both lobbying for 24/7 driver facilities to be delivered as part of the project. Read our press release on this here.
  5. Meanwhile, our own survey revealed that the overwhelming majority of participants want to see non-road, sustainable solutions to the movement of freight to and from the port. Click here to see the results in full.
  6. Have you tuned into our very own podcast?  “We Said No!” is a fantastic way of learning about the campaign and some of the most important issues. A small but dedicated team have been working hard on this and we think it sounds great. Here’s how to listen.

For more news on our campaign, visit our dedicated website www.saverimrosevalley.org

And don’t forget to join us on our social media channels.  Liking and sharing our posts and tweets is one of the simplest and quickest ways you can help our campaign.

Thanks again for your continued support… and stay safe.

While you’re here, can you help…?

  1. Help us to cover our costs by donating to the campaign.  Every penny makes a difference.
  2. Tell the Secretary of State for Transport what you think by contacting them.  They need to know all about Rimrose Valley and the communities around it before they sign off plans to destroy it.
  3. Sign our petition on change.org.  It only takes a minute and is a simple way of saying ‘no’!
  4. Follow us on social media… we’re on Facebook and Twitter.