Rimrose Valley Friends – our political position

Apr 28, 2016

vote graphic28 April 2016 – Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party, invited Rimrose Valley Friends to meet with her. People from all of the Rimrose Valley communities turned up to meet with her, with one united aim – which is to stand up for Rimrose Valley, making our voices heard and to shout out that our essential green space and the quality of the air that we breathe are cherished and must be protected.
Ms Bennett’s visit has been appreciated by many, but the enthusiasm with which Rimrose Valley Friends has embraced her invitation has also caused some to feel concern that Rimrose Valley Friends may be in some way taking sides with one political party. This is not the case and the Rimrose Valley Friends Core Team feel it appropriate to put out a statement which is as follows:


Rimrose Valley Friends is not and never will be a political organisation. We will not side with any one political party. Our sole aim is to stand up for Rimrose Valley, to build upon and defend the benefits it brings to the people who share it and to protect the flora and fauna that lives within.

We welcome friends and members from all political backgrounds providing they support us in this single common aim; and we will embrace all individuals and organisations that support our aim unconditionally. We will also maximise any opportunity to further our aim and extend our message, and that includes taking advantage of PR opportunities when we can.

We are grateful for the support we have been given since our inception by both the Labour Party and the Green Party, whether behind the scenes or in front of the lens; and the efforts of our councillors and Peter Dowd MP, who argued our cause against Highways England’s intentions in parliament earlier this month, must be acknowledged and our appreciation shown.

We wish all those partaking in the upcoming local elections well, and we will continue to work with and embrace all those who wish to support us thereafter.