Highways England release ‘Port of Liverpool Access’ Newsletter #2

Jan 29, 2016

Highways England has today released their second public newsletter to keep people informed of developments with regards to improving road access to the Port of Liverpool.

Click here to download the 2nd Highways England Newsletter

Up until now Highways England had been saying that the public consultation process would commence in the spring of 2016, however we’ve been informed that this has now been delayed until later in the year.  The reason given is that it’s due to delays to their traffic survey exercise which were caused by the delayed completion of Brooms Cross Road.

The public events which were to have been part of the consultation process will still be held, but as information only events; with the consultation events now taking place later in the year.

We are encouraging people to attend one of their information events so you can ask questions and make your opinions known:

Friday 4th March, 2pm to 8pm
Litherland Sports Park, Boundary Road, Litherland, L21 7LA.

Monday 7th March, 10am to 5pm
Netherton Library, Glovers Lane, Netherton, L30 3TL.

Thursday 10th March, 2pm to 8pm
All Saints and St Frideswyde’s Church Hall, 93 Forefield Lane, L23 9TX.

Friday 11th March, 10am to 5pm
Crosby Library, Crosby Road North, Liverpool, L22 0LQ.
The exhibition panels will be left on display at Crosby Library until the 11th April.

Members of the Highways England team will also be available for an informal question and answer session at Bootle Library (Stanley Road, Bootle, L20 3EN) on Friday 26th February from 1pm and Maghull Library (Hall Lane, Maghull, L31 7BB) on Thursday 3rd March also from 1pm. Please note that due to space there will be only limited exhibition material on display.

The RVF Core team will meet shortly to review this change in the calendar and decide if we need to be doing anything more in the meantime.  We’re still working on the Local Green Space Designation and will provide an update on that in due course.


Thanks for your continued support