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2022 Calendars ON SALE and COP26 Protest TOMORROW!

Firstly, apologies to those of you who may have received this email twice!  We had a glitch on our website, so needed to create this news article again... 2022 Calendar Yep, it's that time of year again and we're happy to announce that you can now get hold of our 2022...

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Rimrose Valley Community Festival Survey – Please Respond

We're feeling positive about the future and are already busy making plans for 2022. We'd LOVE to stage another FREE community festival, similar to 2017's Celebrate! event, for those who remember this fantastic day. We're in the very early stages, but we need your help...

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This Friday 20th August! Route & Itinerary for Demo

After A LOT of hard work and planning, we are now in a position to confirm the itinerary for our demo and the route of our march this Friday 20th August via the images below. Please take time to familiarise yourselves with these and tell anyone you believe may need to...

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Rimrose Valley Friends Summer Raffle 2021!

This gorgeous original painting of the Rimrose Valley entrance in Seaforth has been donated by a local artist, James Loft Crosby. The painting is to be raffled with all proceeds going to the Charity. Tickets are £3 each and can be purchased in person at: Gambino's...

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Rimrose Valley Weather
