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Wildlife Volunteers Needed!
Casual Observations or hands on volunteering roles to be filled We're looking for wildlife volunteers according to experience. Please can you read about what we're looking for below and see if you can help us? Casual Observations As a user of Rimrose Valley, you are...
Highways England release ‘Port of Liverpool Access’ Newsletter
We have been working hard to maintain clear and open communications between us all, Highways England and their subcontractors during their road feasibility surveys on Rimrose Valley. We're pleased to report that Highways England has decided to launch a newsletter...
Road Feasibility Update – Sampling / survey work completes for now. What next?
As most of us will be well aware, over the last 3 weeks since 21/09/15 there's been a lot of activity on Rimrose Valley by the Geotechnical consultants and engineers working on behalf of Highways England. They've been carrying out early studies into the feasibility...
Highways England statement on this week’s CCTV/usage Survey in Rimrose Valley
Today we received a statement from Highways England in response to our inquiry yesterday about the sudden appearance of temporary CCTV units this week at various entry points in Rimrose Valley. Their response explains that: The survey was undertaken on just one day -...
Rimrose Valley Nature Activity Update
We're mindful that Rimrose Valley exists for the benefit the local biodiversity as well as the people who use our beautiful Park. We thought it would be useful to publish a quick update of some of our current activities to keep a watchful eye over the natural...
Road Feasibility Update – CCTV now in Rimrose Valley to Survey Usage
We've discovered today that there are CCTV cameras now positioned at key entrances to Rimrose Valley that are labelled as "Traffic Survey in Progress." As these cameras are positioned at pedestrian only entrances it's apparent that they're...