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Leaflet Drop Update
The leaflets for our first leaflet drop are now fully distributed. It's been a great success with over 20,000 homes leafleted to raise awareness of the threat to our green space and it brought us some press coverage. It's been startling to see just how many people...
‘Grow your Tenner’ Fundraising Campaign a great success!
On 17th October we launched our 'Grow your Tenner' fundraising campaign through Local Giving. Local Giving had secured £200,000 of funding to be shared amongst all the good causes it works with nationally, and for every £10 donated they matched it with another £10! ...
RVF Rejects Highways England’s invitation to be part of their “Mitigation Steering Group”
Highways England has approached Rimrose Valley Friends inviting us to be part of a steering group to look at the issues in relation to the construction of a dual carriageway through Rimrose Valley and how best to mitigate against them. Rimrose Valley Friends has...
Current status of Highways England’s planned Borehole Drilling on Rimrose Valley
We have learned that Highways England expects the Geotechnical work, which includes the drilling of Boreholes, to take place in the new year, but they cannot be any more specific on dates. The reason they give for not knowing is that the tender inviting quotations to...
FAQ Document now published
We're putting together a Frequently Asked Questions document for publication. We will then refine and add to it over time. It's in the early stages, but you can click here to read it in its current form. What you can do now: Sign our...
Public Activities
The RAG team is exploring all options for public activities and has a very long list. The following will be worked on as quickly as possible: Hands Across the Valley We're just about to start working on this. It will take a significant amount of work to organise, but...