We’re really excited to announce our next demonstration and for this one, we’re taking our campaign’s message to Manchester during the summer holidays.  As ever, we’d LOVE to see families join us – old and young alike.

Why Manchester?! The rough itinerary for the day below explains all.

We know this is a big ask, so travel from South Sefton is FREE, but places are limited and are filling up fast.

To book your place use the Eventbrite link here:
Manchester Demo! Tickets, Fri 26 Aug 2022 at 09:30 | Eventbrite


09:30 Coach from Liverpool (Waterloo and other pick up locations TBC) to Patagonia’s Manchester store
10:30 Meet the amazing Patagonia team in-store, have some refreshments and make signs/placards
12:00 March from Patagonia’s store to National Highways’ regional office in Manchester Piccadilly
12:30 Protest outside National Highways office and deliver letters/materials from school children and the community
14:30 Coach pick-up
15:30 Arrive in Liverpool (Waterloo and other drop off locations TBC)

As ever, we want this to be a family-friendly demonstration so we would love it if kids, parents and grandparents could make the trip. We also hope to be joined by fellow campaigners from across the region. It’s sure to be a great day out and something they won’t forget!

Please note that places on the bus are limited. If you book but are no longer able to come, please cancel so someone else can take your place.

For any questions, or for more information, email stu@rimrosevalleyfriends.org

Thank you!
